A safe, equitable, and inclusive community where women and their families thrive.
To empower women and their families to reach their full potential in body, mind and spirit, through action, advocacy, community collaboration and education.
Women Who Move Mountains
We believe in:
- A Women’s Perspective:
Women must take leadership in shaping society’s direction in order to achieve equity and equality for all women.
- Difference and Diversity:
In order to achieve social and other forms of justice, we must embrace difference and diversity among peoples.
- The Whole Person:
Strength, wisdom, and character come from the balanced development of the whole person in body, mind, and spirit.
- Community Mindedness:
Healthy communities, free from violence, racism, and other abuses of power, nurture the whole person. Individuals committed to equity advance the growth of such communities.
- Global Interdependence:
The world-wide struggle for equity and equality interconnects all women.