Christmas Program


This program allows agencies, companies, group or families to adopt a family that accessed our services at one point during this past year. We have families of all sizes ready to be adopted. Once the size of the family has been chosen by the agency or group then the Christmas Coordinator contacts the family and asks her if she would like her family to be adopted for Christmas. The Coordinator then requests a wish list from her and her children indicating 10 to 12 items on each list along with their favourite colours and sizes. These lists are then provided to the contact person who is adopting the family and they can pick and choose the items that will be provided to the family. We also request that Christmas dinner items be provided for the family and encourage any non-perishable food items and/or household products. Once the gifts are delivered to the YWCA by the agency/group, the coordinator then contacts the family for them to pick up the donations. Everything is kept confidential. No names are exchanged. Most of the families are starting their lives over with very little; therefore anything that can be provided to make their Christmas special is greatly appreciated.

Donation Program

Toys and item donations are accepted at the YWCA for the women and children that will be in the shelter during the Christmas holiday. We ensure that every woman and child in the shelter have presents to unwrap on Christmas morning.
Monetary donations are also greatly received and appreciated. Please specify that you would like the money to go toward the Christmas program. The Coordinator will then purchase the gifts that are needed. A list of gift suggestions can also be provided upon request. Toys and items that are not used at Christmas are stored for children’s birthdays, used in our child and youth program, given to the women and children on special occasions and for shelter use for the upcoming year.

Get Involved

We would not be able to accomplish any of these Christmas Miracles year after year without the continuous support, caring, and generosity from the community. To participate in this year’s Christmas Program please contact,

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